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Vietnamese Politics Debaters

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Debate Score:4
Total Votes:4
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NVYN(289) pic

Best political system: a)multi-party, b)single party, c)something else

I believe in a new Vietnam.  If you're going to have a revolution to change the polical system in Vietnam, you'll need to give it a new system.

Which system of government is the best?  A multi-party system?  A single-party system?  Or something else completely?

What are the current models available in the world?  What are their good and bad points?

Got a better idea than what's currently available?

Let's see if CD members can't give Vietnam a new direction :)

(I had deleted a previous debate that members had commented on, so I copied and pasted their comments into this one.)

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1 point

A multiparty system does not guarantee better government than a single party system nor vice versa. The quality of government depends on the ability of the governing parties and those in opposition. If they're all a talentless bunch, then the people will suffer. However if a single dictatorial party happens to include all great leaders, then there really is no need for any other party to intervene.

Side: something else
1 point

These are the words of debater TERMINATOR:

"There are some forms of government which I would rank below dictatorship. Communism, in theory, could be very good. However, most do not see themselves as a communist because they are of the mistaken belief that Communism is meant to relieve them of individual liberties. Communism is supposed to put everything under governmental control for several generations, at the end of which there would be an anarchical society with no desire for government. In practice, however, it has turned out to be a failure."

Side: multi-party
1 point

These are the words of debater wolfbite:

"It really depends on how competent the single party system is. with multiple parties not as much gets done and important legislation takes weeks if not longer to get passed.

However, a single party system has the potential to end up becoming a dictatorship due to the lack of separation of powers. I'll take bickering between two self-righteous assholes over the bickering of one self-righteous asshole any day."

Side: multi-party

I think the Two Party System in the United States is the best political system.

Side: multi-party