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Vietnamese Politics Debaters

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He was. He wasn't.
Debate Score:5
Total Votes:5
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 He was. (3)
 He wasn't. (1)

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NVYN(289) pic

Ho Chi Minh was a talented leader of Vietnam

The communist party of Vietnam continues their propaganda to indoctrinate the young people about the late leader and his saint-like life. 

On the other extreme, some people regard him as the devil that brought suffering to the people of Vietnam and the legacy continues today.

Let's talk about it all, shall we? :)

He was.

Side Score: 3

He wasn't.

Side Score: 2
1 point

He lived and worked in many countries all over the world, worked to form the Viet Minh which fought against colonialist France and the superpower USA to restore independence to Vietnam.

Side: He was.
1 point

These are the words of debater TERMINATOR:

"I don't know a single word of Vietnamese. Nearly every leader has good qualities, qualities that only a follower of his (like yourself) would see. Hitler, to the Germans, was a miracle worker. Ho Chi Minh is probably, to the Vietnamese, a skillful leader."

Side: He was.
1 point

These are the words of debater watchman2010:

"Yes he was a talented leader of Vietnam. Ho, only became affiliated with the communist after his plea to the west for help was answered by the French and used to brutally impoverish and dominate the nation. Ho, quickly became disillusioned and Russia and China supported him in his need to rid his country of the French, and later us.

Whether you like him or hate him, Ho, did much that is commendable for his people and his country."

Side: He was.
1 point

These are the words of debater catinthehata:

"I've lived and spent most of my life in Vietnam, I learned of Vietnamese history from Vietnamese textbooks and the kind of history they taught me can be called the one-way history. You are only allowed to learn about the good things of the Party and Ho Chi Minh. You are completely blindfolded from the crimes that they committed and the wrongs they have done to our country. Thanks to my parents who helped enlighten me at home, I was able to know about the sufferance our people were put through thanks to the "mighty" ideals of the Communist party and our "excellent" leaders. The portrayals of our party and leaders are highly inaccurate, exaggerated, and false. No one knew about the purge that Southern Vietnamese and people who supported democracy were put through, in fact no one cared. Why? Because younger generations like me are brainwashed, every day, every single moment of our life. We forgot about the lives that were lost in the most despicable ways possible and the freedom that was suppressed because all the party cares about is to paint this very flawless image of them by getting rid of whoever is in their way.

That is not the party of the people!

Back in the old days, under the Diem's regime, people had the courage to go on demonstrations and protests, people had the courage to discuss about his flaws and his weaknesses. Nowadays, those with the guts are despised, oppressed, and have fallen into oblivion.

My heart goes out to all the freedom fighters in the world.

Also, we need to remember that only a Communist party like Vietnam would support whatever decision the current military regime in Myanmar makes against Aung San Suu Kyi"

Side: He wasn't.